Saturday, 3 March 2012

Penyerang Ashraf Rossli ditangkap..

Sebelum ini kita pernah dikejutkan dengan penayaan video serangan terhadap seorang pelajar Malaysia di Britain..Video tu dah membangkitkan kemarahan ramai terutama Rakyat Malaysia.

Dalam Dailymail ari ni telah melaporkan bahawa dua remaja Britain telah ditangkap dan mereka adalah penerima wang bantuan daripada kerajaan mereka. Dan hal tersebut telah menerima komen yang bagi saya agak pedas dari kedua ibu bapa mangsa iaitu Ashraf Rossli. Tapi apa yang diperkatakan  oleh Rossli Harun yang merupakan pesara tentera dan Maznah Abu Mansor yang merupakan guru sekolah rendah adalah benar belaka.

Mereka memberitahu bahawa system kebajikan Britain telah membuatkan rakyatnya menjadi malas dan mereka yang bekerja kera terpaksa membayar kepada mereka yang tidak mahu bekerja.

Rosli memberitahu,

‘The boy who attacked my son was young – he was only 17. But he wasn’t at school, he wasn’t at work, and he was getting Government money.

 ‘The system in Britain makes people lazy. In Malaysia, if you want to earn money, you have to work. And if you want to earn more money, you have to study hard. 

‘In Britain, people who work pay tax and it goes to people who do no work. I don’t understand that.’

‘I believe if you are physically well, if there is nothing wrong with you, you should work. They shouldn’t give money to people who can work but don’t.

‘You should only give this money to the right people – people who are disabled, people who are ill, people who are in hardship. But not to people who are well and can work, but choose not to.’

‘This kind of system is not good,

Well Said!!!

Part  yang paling seronok saya baca dalam news itu adalah apabila melihat kenyataan seorang rakyat Malaysia yang bangga dengan negaranya, sistemnya dan juga pihak berkuasa. Tambahan pula ia disiarkan dalam portal antarabangsa.

‘It is up to parents to raise their children. Children need to be taught civic responsibility and discipline as they grow up.’

‘The police in Malaysia would have taken action sooner,’

‘Your police let it grow and grow until it was out of control. I don’t understand why people were allowed to run riot and rob in that way.

'Here in Malaysia the police can catch you and grab you if you do something wrong. But in Britain it seems that you cannot.’

‘After this happened, people asked Ashraf why he went outside when there were riots and he replied, “Because in Malaysia we are always free to walk outside”.

'We have a tough government in Malaysia, but when something like this happens, they take action. They don’t let it get out of control. The streets are safe.’


Ni la penyerang Asraf, Reece Donovan, 24 (kiri) dan John Kafunda, 22 (kanan)

Antara Gambar video serangan yang disiarkan dalam youtube

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